With the cost of living soaring and most people needing to review their unnecessary spending we thought it might be useful to highlight some of the simple things that you can check around and about your vehicle. Some will save you money straight away and some will help prevent bigger bills later.
Spend five minutes carrying out these simple checks every few weeks – and certainly before a long journey or an MOT.
Keep the outside of your car clean with a regular wash. If you’re doing it by hand, focus on the headlights, brake lights, mirrors and number plates as these help you see and be seen on the roads. It is actually illegal to drive with a number plate which cannot be easily read.
Always keep all windows clean and clear. As well as being unsafe, an unclean windscreen that limits your view of the road could see you fined for driving a car in a “dangerous condition.”
Fines can be up to £2500 for a car and penalty points on your license.